Thursday, March 26, 2015
Friday, March 20, 2015
Senator Cotton's Thesis
freshman Senator Thomas Cotton is a comer.
Not yet 40 years old, he is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard
Law School, a veteran of the Iraq War, and a Tea Party favorite. He vaulted into the news recently as the
author of the letter to the Iranian government signed by 47 Senators, warning
that any agreement they might reach with President Obama might not last. Having read that he majored in Government at
Harvard and became a protégé of conservative Professor Harvey Mansfield, and
that his senior thesis dealt with the Federalist papers, I checked to see if
the thesis (like my own) was in the Harvard University Archives. It was, and yesterday I went and read
it. Entitled “Irrationality and
Politics: The Federalist and
Deliberative Democracy,” it was an informative experience, laden with irony.
Less than twenty years after writing it, Cotton has become just the kind of
politician the thesis warns against.
The design of a
senior thesis is critical to its success, and Cotton and his tutor came up with
a straightforward formula. (The tutor
was not Harvey Mansfield, who may therefore have been one of the graders of the
thesis.) The thesis simply compares two texts with different views of how
American politics should work. The
first, which was then very recent, was Democracy and Disagreement, by Dennis Thompson and Amy Gutmann; the
second was the Federalist Papers. Gutmann and Thompson advocated “deliberative
democracy,” involving the continuous, intense involvement of the whole
citizenry in the making of laws. The
second was the Federalist Papers. Here Cotton made an interesting decision that
saved himself a lot of work. Decades
ago, modern textual analysis which of the three authors of the Federalist—Alexander Hamilton, James
Madison, and John Jay—had written each of the individual essays, but Cotton
decided simply to refer to the author as “Publius” throughout, as they did at
the time, with the excuse that that is how the authors wanted the papers to be
read. That saved him the trouble of
distinguishing the views of Hamilton, Madison and Jay on the issues he was
interested in, but his tutor evidently went along and his readers (of which the
tutor is never one) apparently did not mind.
Essentially Cotton argued, clearly and
repetitively, that Publius, following Aristotle, did not trust the mass of the
people or direct democracy, and argued for the new Constitution precisely
because it kept the people at an appropriate distance from the government. Now it is quite possible that a reader of The Federalist with a different agenda
might be able to paint a very different picture, but Cotton had no trouble
supporting his arguments with quotations. Publius, he points out, wrote that “the
passions of men will not conform to the dictates of justice without constraint.” Factions, including majority factions, were
united by passion, not reason, which could threaten the rights of other
citizens and “the permanent and aggregate interests of the community.” Such
passions could be religious, as well as political. He also argued, in one of his more debatable
and less supported points, that Publius, in contrast to Gutmann and Thompson,
had no faith that education could ease this problem. Publius’s solution, he argued, was to extend
the sphere of politics as widely as possible, making it harder for local
factions to dominate, or for a popular faction to pass unwise legislation. A second solution was to encourage commerce,
which would tend to unite the people together against factions.
According to Cotton, Publius mistrusted the House
of Representatives because it was elected every two years, making the members
too responsive to popular passions, but trusted the Senate, becaus3e of its six
year term, to be more carefully deliberative and foster more stability in
government, which was essential to progress.
Instability, various essays argued, would encourage foreign
interference in America, poison “the blessings of liberty itself;” gives
advantages to “the moneyed few over the industrious and uninformed mass of the
people,” and allows the few to take advantage of changes in government. It also discouraged entrepreneurship and it
weakens the people’s attachment to their government. The Senate’s six year terms would encourage
ambitious Senators to show patience, wisdom, and concern for the common good,
rather than yield to momentary passions. Lastly, Cotton argued that Publius
wanted to promote “an unthinking reverence” for the Constitution to shield it
from popular passions and protect it against changes.
Cotton’s thesis
was pure intellectual analysis. It contains no specific historical references
of any kind and makes no attempt to cite actual events to validate the points
of Publius or refute those of Gutmann and Thompson. This was another instance of carefully
limiting his design, and the design and execution paid off. The thesis must have been awarded a grade
either of magna cum laude (with high honors) or summa cum laude (with highest
honors), since only such theses are retained in the archives. Because the work was based almost entirely on
two medium-sized texts, it could not have been particularly demanding to
prepare. Cotton was evidently a young
man in a hurry—he took advantage of the opportunity to graduate in three years—and
he found a relatively painless way to write a successful thesis. These qualities have evidently served him
well ever since, and he is now being mentioned as a future presidential
It so happens
that I think that the skepticism about popular passions expressed by the
authors of The Federalist was well
founded, although their contemporaries discovered within 40 more years that the
Constitution could easily survive the expansion of the franchise to include all
white males. The irony, of course, is
that Cotton himself now holds office as a member of one of the most passionate,
regional and religious factions ever to emerge within American politics, the
Tea Party. He and his Republican
colleagues are passionately opposed to the whole trend of government over the
last century. For the last four years, the Republican-dominated House of
Representatives has played exactly the role Cotton seemed to fear in 1998:
driven by the Tea Party faction (which included Cotton in 2013-14), it has
repeatedly passed radical legislation that both responds to and arouses the
passion of its followers. The Tea Party
has a narrow regional base, and they control the Senate, where Cotton sits,
only because the disparity in the populations of the various states has become
so enormous. They are hostile to
critical aspects of modern science and their trust in the literal word of the
scriptures would be quite astonishing to Hamilton, Jefferson, and Jay. They have shown no appetite for reasoned
deliberation. Cotton certainly
understood certain key aspects of the Federalist
in the late 1990s when he wrote his thesis, but I do wish that he and his
Republican colleagues might take the time to reread them now.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Hillary the savior?
A few days ago, the New York Times ran a story on the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton. Citing mostly unnamed party leaders and donors, it reported that they not only assumed that Clinton would be the nominee in 2016--as she almost surely will be--but that they see her as the party's only hope, not only to hold on to the White House but to regain control of Congress. I read that part of the story in some amazement, and I can only interpret it as evidence not only of my party's desperation, but of its inability to understand what has been happening to the nation and where we are going. I do not think there is anything that I or any other Democrat can do about this, but that doesn't incline me to ignore it and simply hope for the best. I have been trying to face reality here for more than ten years now and it's too late to stop.
An aura of inevitability surrounds Clinton's nomination and, among many (but by no means all) older women, her election. They see her as destined to become the first female President, an honor to which they feel some woman clearly to be entitled. Other news reports, indeed, suggest that her budding campaign plans to play this angle for all that it is worth. That is not surprising, because Clinton, unlike Barack Obama will not be able to offer any convincing, sweeping new policy proposals in 2016. She has already indicated that while she believes that inequality is an increasing problem in the United States, she does not believe Americans want to solve it by taking more money away from the rich. Given her well-developed ties to Wall Street and her husband's reliance on Goldman Sachs employees during his administration, this is anything but surprising. The health care issue has been taken off the table by the ACA. Hardly anyone would believe that she could get sweeping domestic legislation through a Republican Congress. On foreign policy, my strong suspicion is that she will want to come across as a bit more hawkish, and certainly more pro-Israel, than Barack Obama. She will offer, in other words, another moderate Republican approach to major issues of foreign and domestic policy, while standing for the rights of women, minorities, and gays. The first critical question is whether the appeals to minorities, which were crucial to Barack Obama's victory last time out, will be successful for her. The second question is whether the youth vote, which largely views questions of gender equality as old news, will turn out for her in anything like the numbers that they did for Obama. And the third question, of course, is whether the Republicans can nominate a candidate with sufficiently broad appeal to win back a few states such as Colorado, Florida, and Ohio.
On the other hand, the idea that Hillary could sweep the Democrats back into control of Congress strikes me as utterly delusional. Gerrymandering protects the Republicans for at least the next election and perhaps for the whole decade. (Although one can't be sure--the Democrats won control of the House of Representatives in 1874, in the middle of U.S. Grant's second term, so anything is possible!) Obama's presence in the White House has simply wiped out the Democratic Party not only in the old Confederacy, but in the border states, except Maryland and Delaware, as well. I do not think they will be more favorable to Hillary. Indeed, I have felt for a long time that the history of the last six years would have been essentially the same had she been nominated and elected in 2008. She would have aroused the same hatred among the same people, albeit for slightly different reasons.
The "email scandal" is another example of how low our politics have sunk. There is nothing in it, clearly, but it is already tying up endless amounts of news time and space and Congressional investigations are certain. There will be more episodes like it and, presumably, more "controversies" about Bill Clinton's romantic life. None of this, of course, will help Hillary's chances.
The Democratic Party is in deep trouble because it is so old. Hillary, an exact contemporary of mine, is significantly younger than Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, or Joe Biden. The leading Democratic Boomer in Washington is Chuck Schumer, who splits his allegiance between Wall Street and AIPAC. Hillary in 2016 will arouse the enthusiasm of those who remember when women were just emerging as independent beings. I don't know that that will be enough to elect her.
An aura of inevitability surrounds Clinton's nomination and, among many (but by no means all) older women, her election. They see her as destined to become the first female President, an honor to which they feel some woman clearly to be entitled. Other news reports, indeed, suggest that her budding campaign plans to play this angle for all that it is worth. That is not surprising, because Clinton, unlike Barack Obama will not be able to offer any convincing, sweeping new policy proposals in 2016. She has already indicated that while she believes that inequality is an increasing problem in the United States, she does not believe Americans want to solve it by taking more money away from the rich. Given her well-developed ties to Wall Street and her husband's reliance on Goldman Sachs employees during his administration, this is anything but surprising. The health care issue has been taken off the table by the ACA. Hardly anyone would believe that she could get sweeping domestic legislation through a Republican Congress. On foreign policy, my strong suspicion is that she will want to come across as a bit more hawkish, and certainly more pro-Israel, than Barack Obama. She will offer, in other words, another moderate Republican approach to major issues of foreign and domestic policy, while standing for the rights of women, minorities, and gays. The first critical question is whether the appeals to minorities, which were crucial to Barack Obama's victory last time out, will be successful for her. The second question is whether the youth vote, which largely views questions of gender equality as old news, will turn out for her in anything like the numbers that they did for Obama. And the third question, of course, is whether the Republicans can nominate a candidate with sufficiently broad appeal to win back a few states such as Colorado, Florida, and Ohio.
On the other hand, the idea that Hillary could sweep the Democrats back into control of Congress strikes me as utterly delusional. Gerrymandering protects the Republicans for at least the next election and perhaps for the whole decade. (Although one can't be sure--the Democrats won control of the House of Representatives in 1874, in the middle of U.S. Grant's second term, so anything is possible!) Obama's presence in the White House has simply wiped out the Democratic Party not only in the old Confederacy, but in the border states, except Maryland and Delaware, as well. I do not think they will be more favorable to Hillary. Indeed, I have felt for a long time that the history of the last six years would have been essentially the same had she been nominated and elected in 2008. She would have aroused the same hatred among the same people, albeit for slightly different reasons.
The "email scandal" is another example of how low our politics have sunk. There is nothing in it, clearly, but it is already tying up endless amounts of news time and space and Congressional investigations are certain. There will be more episodes like it and, presumably, more "controversies" about Bill Clinton's romantic life. None of this, of course, will help Hillary's chances.
The Democratic Party is in deep trouble because it is so old. Hillary, an exact contemporary of mine, is significantly younger than Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, or Joe Biden. The leading Democratic Boomer in Washington is Chuck Schumer, who splits his allegiance between Wall Street and AIPAC. Hillary in 2016 will arouse the enthusiasm of those who remember when women were just emerging as independent beings. I don't know that that will be enough to elect her.