For more than a month the press has been reporting that Caroline Kennedy is going to be appointed by President Obama as Ambassador to Japan. Nothing has happened officially yet, so perhaps a snag has developed, but I must say that I scratched my head when I heard the news and haven't been able to get it out of my mind ever since. It's not that I have anything against Caroline Kennedy at all, on the contrary. I once met her at a Kennedy Library event and she was as gracious and charming as she could be. She has had an emotionally difficult life, however privileged it might have been in some respects, and she played an important role in 2008 in getting Barack Obama the Democratic nomination. But if she is indeed appointed, it will be yet another piece of evidence of the enormous changes in the business of governing in the fifty years since her father was President.
John F. Kennedy ran for President in 1960 arguing that the United States was in a worldwide Cold War with the Soviets and Communism, one involving both the older great powers of Europe and Asia and the new emerging nations. America's representatives in those nations, he believed, could be critical assets or liabilities in that struggle. He also enjoyed bringing contemporaries with experience in public service into the government. He put Chester Bowles, himself a former and future Ambassador to India, in charge of picking new Ambassadors. His non-career appointments were different than most Presidents', as I have particular reason to know, because they had nothing to do with financial contributions to his campaign. Instead, he and Bowles looked for smart, articulate men from journalism, the academy, and other forms of government service to sell the New Frontier. To serve as Ambassador to India he picked the Harvard economist John Kenneth Galbraith, who obviously knew a great deal about economic development. To France he sent retired General James Gavin, who had worked with foreign military leaders as the commander of the 82nd Airborne Division in the Second World War. He brought George F. Kennan, whom John Foster Dulles had fired from the State Department, out of retirement to become Ambassador to Yugoslavia, which under Marshall Tito had declared its independence from the Soviet bloc. My own father, Philip M. Kaiser, who had represented the United States in Geneva at meetings of the International Labor Organization for about five years, became Ambassador to Senegal, where he could put his knowledge of French to good use. Guinea, down the coast, was a particularly sensitive nation because it had a leftist leader, Sekou Toure, and Kennedy sent William Attwood, another francophone and the Foreign Editor of Look Magazine, to Guinea. And for Japan he chose Edwin Reischauer, a Harvard Professor who was probably the country's leading expert in Japanese politics. Carl Rowan, one of the country's leading Negro journalists (to use the contemporary term), became Ambassador to neutral Finland. Mercer Cook, a black professor of French at Howard University, became Ambassador to Niger and eventually succeeded my father in Senegal. Those are the ones I remember, but I know they are not the only non-career people Kennedy appointed.
It occurred to me the other day, winding up my Williams College class on Vietnam and trying to summarize the war's impact, that the Cold War had in a weird way been good for the US government and for government all over the world. The new nations were going to need governments and might follow the US or the Soviet model. That gave the American President a keen interest in helping them develop and making sure that they were constantly exposed to impressive and effective US representatives. It also, of course, gave us an incentive to make our own system work which we lost when Communism collapsed. The Congo was another battleground in 1960 and the US spent years establishing a stable government there. That government, under Joseph Mobutu, rapidly turned into a corrupt dictatorship, but it was a government. The Congo has now been in a state of chaos for over a decade, but since there is no longer a Cold War in progress, no one in the wider world seems to care very much. Governments of all kinds are much weaker than they were in my youth, and I fear they may have become much too weak for the good of the citizenry.
Japan is a major economic power, on the doorstep of worrisome North Korea,. and with steadily worsening relations with China. It needs an Ambassador who speaks Japanese and knows the history and politics of the country, and who also enjoys the confidence of Secretary Kerry and the President. Caroline Kennedy will undoubtedly rely upon her professional staff if she is chosen, and I hope she does well. But I can't honesty think that her knowledge or experience particularly qualifies her for a very important diplomatic role.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for this post.
You are surely quite aware of the usual course of US political appointments, under the spoils system, under which ambassadorial appointments have most often been made without regard for knowledge or background.
This is the message we have normally sent to foreign regimes.
Kennedy's appointment prospect seems to fall into this category somewhat, does it not.
Franklin Roosevelt did not shrink from some appalling choices.
all the best,
What a disappointment to hear that President Obama will select Ms. Caroline Kennedy as next U.S. Ambassador to Japan. This is not the best way to demonstrate to USF-Japan, Japanese Government, or the Asia-Pacific region that America highly values the strategic alliances in APAC.
ReplyDeleteInstead of lowering the bar to meet her capabilities…isn’t the Mission of the U.S. Ambassador to Japan all about appointing the best people to protect America’s civil and military interests with professional expertise? Why is it that these crucial Ambassadorial appointments do not take into consideration any: Credentials, Local Expertise, cross-border business or personal connections, understanding of military activities, or even a concerted desire for a posting?
Let’s review the (weak) credentials Ms. Kennedy needed to get this Ambassadorial consideration: in a Time Magazine interview on 13May2002, she stated that she saw her future as a Writer; then changing that, she attempted to use her Kennedy name and daddy’s money to step into the Senate-seat vacated by Ms. Hillary Clinton, but failed miserably in that effort (mostly because she is secretive about important issues, and did not want to tell about her $100-million dollars). Then she ‘expressed a passing interest’ in being U.S. Ambassador to Canada, Ireland, the Vatican (refused to have her), UK, etc., but did not get those either. She reminds me of Katy Perry song about changing minds like changing clothes. She worked part-time (3-days a week) for the NY Department of Education as a fund-raiser for school systems (that isn’t helpful in Japan) at salary of $1 (I guess it was lucky she had those $100-million in savings); and worked for the Metropolitan Museum of Art (not helpful unless Japan becomes a big Arts donor); she represented her family at a couple funerals and park-dedications; she donated $2300 to Ms. Clinton’s Campaign Fund…oh, yes…she stumped for President Obama and wrote a nice article in the press praising him. She also wrote a nice piece about her field-trip visiting Graceland in Rolling Stone, so I guess that shows she can write. She gathered some campaign donations as well. She certainly is a noteworthy orator (vitally important for an Ambassador)…having said ‘You Know’ 168-times during a 30-minute interview with NY1. Perhaps the Japanese Government will be impressed with that capability; it will certainly make all the official USA/Japan meeting transcripts much longer.
However, America should be asking if these credentials are sufficient to champion our interests and protect our citizens in Japan? Doesn’t Japan deserve better than someone rejected by so many others; why scrape the bottom of the barrel? No amount of media shellacking by her sycophants is going to turn this rich, socialite duckling into a diplomatic swan. She should stick to what she is good at...poetry, and leave Japan to the experts that understand the culture and can speak the language.