
Monday, April 14, 2014

A note to foreign readers

   The statistics for hits on this blog show the following origin of hits over the last 5 days or so, including 1500 from the US.  I would love to see comments from some of these readers about how they found historyunfolding, what exactly they are reading, and what they think of it. Thanks in advance.

United Kingdom


  1. I am from Brazil, I am one of your regular readers. I don't remember why and when I started to read your posts. Maybe I come here for see your rebuttal about that e-mail, that it was falselly said be yours. But I liked to read what you write about the generation changes and about the big turning. Then I started to read books about that generational changes.

    I think it is interesting you are slowly seeing too that not only a generational big turning is happening inside USA, but mostly that the hegemony is changing place to China. No, it is not the end of rationalism, chinese civilization ca be more rational that our civilization...

  2. Any from Australia? (except me)

    ps the longer historical view @ History Unfolding is what appeals

    also, the impeccable military history

    This is the appropriate time to thank David for his thinking & weekly posting

  3. Anonymous3:41 AM

    Hello Professor Kaiser. I'm one of your Taiwan readers. I came across your blog in 2010 when you published the speech that unjustifiably got Shirley Sherrod in trouble. After reading that, I read a couple more posts of yours and as a result have been checking your blog pretty much every week. I even once submitted a comment on healthcare which you posted, but mostly I'm a quiet observer.

    Thanks for the voice of sanity.

  4. German US EX-Pat who found it over generational theory connection but find your historical analysis of current events to have a depth which goes beyond simple theoretical models.

  5. To add to my last comment. I am reading now Tom Wolfe's "Bonfire of The Vanities" before getting back to history, for me a rare stray into a Modern Novel, not a classic or history or biography, i.e. just for fun. However it is very much modern social criticism of materialistic egoistic 80s and since his other works were non-fiction and formed a sort of research basis for this work then it seems to have some depth in fact about society, a "snapshot in time". I read for example relativley recently Les Miserables, Cherry Orchard, As I Lay Dying, One Hunded Years of Solitude, Novels do something a history boook can't quite do in giving Zeitgeist in place and time.

  6. I'm one of your UK readers, an American ex-pat, archaeologist, and perennial student of history. I'm also a boomer, like yourself, although (I think) a few years younger. I came across your blog in a Facebook posting by one of my cousins, and was hooked by both the breadth and depth of your knowledge and by your analysis. As a student of history, I find that most comments these days are like those lists of the 100 greatest films which don't contain a single film more than twenty years old - they lack any grasp of history - so it is deeply refreshing to read commentary with historical, as well as factual, depth. Your insights from within the American education system, of which I haven't had personal experience since I finished in 1972, are especially enlightening. I try to check in each week, although this is the first time for two weeks, I fear. Please keep on writing!
