
Monday, June 03, 2019

Harvard Coop Bookstore talk about A Life in History

My talk at the Harvard Coop last Tuesday, May 28, on my autobiography, A Life in History, can be viewed here.  Enjoy!


  1. Professor
    Fine presentation. Thank you. Still haven't finished the book.
    Harvard Coop, takes me back. I lived in Cambridge when first at BU. Had a friend who waitressed at Grendel's Den....It seems to me that half my professors also taught and had gone there, we used Harvard Business school matereials, texts, etc.
    BU was the melting pot globalist business school par excellence. Everything about it was cosmo.
    All the best

  2. Professor
    Maybe just a few more remarks on GSM, and Harvard BS.
    Having done philosophy, and studied some history and economics long before, the ideology of management, as an academic profession, struck me, personally, and critically, as a little ridiculous, but I had convinced myself that it would be good to get a credential like that. Once half way through it, I decided to go to law school afterwards anyway. It also has some ridiculous aspects, but it better, but still badly, fit my temperament, which really was oriented toward intellectual rather than practical career matters in any event. I found with law, I could still do philosophy, here or there, legal philosophy, jurisprudence, etc., on the side or as an adjunct to the study and then the practice of law.

  3. I will admit this:
    The faculty at BU was brilliant, Philip Friedman, Srinivasan Umapathy, Philip Mirvis, Lawrence Wortzel, etc.

    There was a very good business law teacher whose name now escapes me. International management as well.

    There were others. Also, generally, very good teachers, not just scholars, or prominent in their fields of private business of one area or another itself.

  4. I follow your blog, and always find new insights. Your Harvard Coop talk was very interesting, and explained a lot about why our graduates from the best schools have no idea where we have been historically. It reminded me of a very sobering article first published by the Washington Post and republished by the Brookings Institution, which explores the history of authoritarian regimes, and how they are reviving now, and are our greatest national threat -- and the greatest current worldwide threat. Very reminiscent of your assertion that we need to understand history to see where we are going. See:
    I gave the brookings url because the WaPo website is by subscription, and the full article is available through brookings.

    Your believe in the 80-year cycles seems to coincide with the surge of authoritarianism, and has all the potential to create a perfect storm. There is no guarantee that each successive turning will improve the lot of the average world citizen, and this one just may plunge us back into the world before the enlightenment.
