
Friday, August 27, 2021

Pespective on the Afghan collapse

 This week's post appears here.


  1. Professor

    Very timely post, and illuminating comparisons.
    These, from my recent remarks elsewhere, editted:

    Aug 22, The only kinds of legitimate goals would have been as part of a much larger program to subdue and vassalize the Muslims permanently, smother Hindu ambitions and indentured servant the whole population, stave off Rooskie penetration into South Eurasia, and interdict with extreme prejudice Chink aggressive Belt and Road penetration across South Asia and the Indian Ocean into the Middle East, Africa, now even the Atlantic, and Europe.
    Those are the only reasons to be in that blasted piece of mierda.
    As Rufus said, The Graveyard of Empires.

    Monday, August 23, 2021 I EXPLAINED THIS IN THE LAST POST

    Re "the biggest problem", politics, comments form a prior post:

    "...The next page continued with more broad news stories related to the war: another on the implications of Hitler's big Russian offensive for Europe as a whole, a London report that the British would like a unified command for the British and American armies, featuring a snapshot of Lt. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, already the commander of U.S. forces in Europe--even though the forces that he would lead into North Africa three months later would sail directly from the US...." DK

    From what little I know, Eisenhower was never actually a field commander in his entire career. How he was put in command was pure pathetic American politics.

    Although Patton was sidelined by such as Eisenhower, see also Wikipedia for Omar dull Bradley, the subject of glowing media hype, who fired far more staff than Patton, and had not a stellar record at all according to insiders.

    All the best

  2. Professor

    Put another way, re politics, American political leftism, and Soviet political infiltration and influence, gave Eastern and North Baltic Europe and East Germany to the Soviets, and left the Soviets in power, not the American military on the ground.

    All the best
