This week's post will take about six minutes to watch. It is a clip from a remarkable film made around 2009 in Israel, Lemon Tree. The plot, as you will see, revolves around a Palestinian widow living in the West Bank, whose land includes a lemon grove. The Israeli Defense Minister has moved next door, and this has immediate repercussions that the clip explains. According to Wikipedia, the plot is closely based on real events. You will find the clip here:
This is an avi file, a standard video format. I hope that your device will open it in its favorite video player, whatever that happens to be. I use Media Player, which I think is free.
This post is dedicated to my grandfather, Moshe Ber Kaiser, who over the strong objections of his wife moved his whole family from Ukraine to the United States--where life was better.
My great granndparents moved with my grandfather and younger brother, still small both, in the 1870s from Armagh, in the now borderlands between Ireland and N. Ireland to Montreal Canada. I reversed this move, being now in Germany. I see severe deterioration in US situation. Constant moves and flexibility is necessary over time as power struggles, economics, even climate change force emigration. Nobody ever is always on top. It is sad that moderation is not at hand but just retribution, anxiety, vengeance. N. Ireland, Palestine, etc. have old roots of hatred. Perhaps Mississippi is similar. Starting anew abroad or in a new town where your personal past is unknown can help a great deal if you can clear the past from your heart. Sometimes we just bring problems with us and start the fight again in our new home. My parents, Irish/English avoided that, my wife and I, American/Russian, as well. Palestinian/ Jewish couples would be a welcome sight. I wonder if, in a globalized world, after thousands of years, some common religion could supersede our three abrahamic ones to unite us, instead of godless, neutral secularity, which tends to disintegrate after a while. Religious foundations seem to occur at times of great crisis. If the threat of total global destruction is not that then what is? Can we not see each other in the eyes and see brothers and sisters in God?